Game development

Get ready for Tool Time (ugh, ugh, ugh…)

M. J. Magee - Tuesday, the 29th of March, 2016

Last night, as I subjugated my long-suffering partner Sam to yet another long, sufferable lecture about building Cuthbert – just covering the usual points, what a ridiculously big game it is, how I don’t think I’m doing it well enough, how I don’t know how I can do it better, why it’s important that he tells me it’s all going to be okay every four minutes, that kind of thing – he made a truly fantastic point.…

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Refactoring the refactoring

M. J. Magee - Friday, the 4th of March, 2016

Now that we’ve – more or less – moved into our new flat (complete with floors! And electricity!), I’m managing to scrounge some time back from frantically organising a house move to… well, it’s more frantic organising, really, but less of my furniture is being scratched this time.…

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Inventing an inventory

M. J. Magee - Thursday, the 31st of December, 2015

It’s Christmas and – as per the law – I have been overindulging in mince pies and underindulging in everything else.

The production of Cuthbert has slowed the past few weeks; my free time has been taken up visiting family and acting as a guinea pig for my five year old niece’s, erm, enthusiastic beautician work.…

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The best laid plans of programmers and artists

M. J. Magee - Saturday, the 17th of October, 2015

There’s a saying about the best laid plans… Hmm, maybe I should have planned this post better and googled it.

L. Whyte and I decided at the beginning of this (overwhelmingly large) project that she’d create her (overwhelmingly beautiful) artwork in vectors and pass it on to me in a scalable vector graphic (SVG) format, which can be scaled up and down to fit any screen size or device without losing image quality.…

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