Format: Quote

Context-free Friday: do you think something fishy’s going on…?

M. J. Magee - Friday, the 9th of June, 2017
Dave frowned. 'D'you think...' He stopped, weighing his words slowly. 'D'you think something fishy's going on, here?'

'What makes you say that?' Cuthbert asked. A raw chunk of tentacle peeled back from his cheek and fell on the deck with a plop.

Dave shook his head. 'This just seems a bit... off,' he said, watching as Cuthbert brushed the suckers from his arms. 'Somehow.'

Cuthbert shrugged.
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Context-free Friday: if you’re impressed with what I can do with butter…

M. J. Magee - Friday, the 26th of May, 2017
Cuthbert grinned at her. 'If you're impressed with what I can do with butter, you should see some of my macaroni bracelets,' he said because if reading Success: What Is It and How to Get the Thing It Is Once You Know had taught him one thing, it was: you could never sell yourself too much at a business meeting.

It had also taught him the importance of having a pithy name, which was why he decided to shorten his to Cuthbert Tattersall, from Cuthbert Wulfric Alexander Milliken-McGoldrick Tattersall the third. Well, that and to answer personal ads more cheaply.
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Context-free Friday: we’d just better stick to the rules on this one

M. J. Magee - Friday, the 21st of April, 2017
Cuthbert clenched his hands into fists. Mostly to stop the temptation of wrapping them around the man with a clipboard's neck. 'But since I don't have a sword,' he said, very reasonably, 'couldn't I just go in? It would be the same as having a sword and handing it in, since the end result is still me going in without a sword.' He tried to smile. His eye twitched.

The man looked down at his clipboard. He hmmed. 'I don't know about that,' he said, shaking his head. 'It's quite clear here that I can't let you in without you having handed in your sword. I think we'd better just stick to the rules on this one.'
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