'Do you do anything in a kitten heel?' Cuthbert asked, struggling to picture how fashionable cement shoes would really be. 'She needs to dance to entrance.'
The Fairy Godmother cocked an eyebrow. 'Now that is a euphemism I've never heard. What'd she do to warrant a whole new expression, rub some other guy's lamp?'
She held up a hand to stop his loud, stammering protests.
'Don't tell me, kid. I don't wanna know. No knowledge, no motive.'
Thimbleweed Park: an extremely jammy playtest
Friday, the 22nd of July, 2016
Context-free Friday: ain’t no party like a pity party because a pity party has sundaes. And mani pedis.
Friday, the 22nd of July, 2016
Context-free Friday: dance to entrance…
Friday, the 22nd of July, 2016