'No, really,' Cuthbert insisted as he watched the other heroes parry across what was probably a beautiful tiled floor when it wasn't trampled with dirt and blood and teeth. 'How can I win this tournament?'
'No, really,' Dave replied dryly, 'you can't. You're not good enough to defeat the best swordsman in the land. You'll never be good enough to defeat the best swordsman in the land. That's why she's called the best swordsman in the land,' Dave pointed out, 'and you're called Cudfink.'
'Cuthfink,' Cuthbert corrected. 'And I'm not, I'm called Cuthbert,' he added quickly.
Context-free Friday: Hercules and the Disco Twins
Friday, the 17th of March, 2017
Context-free Friday: it might escape Mr. Everyman Spendy Shopper…
Friday, the 17th of March, 2017
Context-free Friday: Cudfink, Cuthfink, Cuthbert
Friday, the 17th of March, 2017