It’s really quite incredible to see how much your whole project has changed in a short amount of time when you’re doing some refactoring.
For example, this is how the game looked before I started moving it into a swizzy new framework:
It’s really quite incredible to see how much your whole project has changed in a short amount of time when you’re doing some refactoring.
For example, this is how the game looked before I started moving it into a swizzy new framework:
It’s Christmas and – as per the law – I have been overindulging in mince pies and underindulging in everything else.
The production of Cuthbert has slowed the past few weeks; my free time has been taken up visiting family and acting as a guinea pig for my five year old niece’s, erm, enthusiastic beautician work.…
Continue readingIt’s Sunday night and I’m just home from one of Joy Swift’s Original Murder Mystery Weekends – delightful, deathful, and a real mouthful.
With a stressful, finish-all-of-the-things! week at work followed by a stressful, solve-all-the-mysteries! weekend away from my laptop, Cuthbert didn’t get very much love this week, and I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about.…
Continue readingIn fairy tales, characters rarely have names. Who they are isn’t as important as what they are – jealous step-mothers, kind-hearted wives of ogres, dim-witted butter-under-their-hat-wearers…
That’s what drives the story to its end.
Its inevitable, gory, eyes-gouged-out-by-birds end.
Spoiler: every single fairy tale ever written.…
I knew, when I first began plotting out Cuthbert, that I wanted to have a strong combat system. It made sense for the story: in a game where you can royally peeve people off to the point where they won’t help you, it makes sense that they might try and hurt you.…
Continue readingWhen I’m working on something like the front-end design of the game – something that doesn’t require I sit hunched over my laptop with my head clutched in my hands, muttering, ‘Why? Why?’, or gently weeping – I like to put on some TV as background noise.…
Continue readingI think one of my biggest problems in building this game is not having a project manager behind me, tapping her foot, asking why I’ve been writing daft jokes about mani pedis when there’s planning and coding and unmanicured work to be done.…
Continue readingThe Adventures of Cuthbert Tattersall is the most anticipated game of 2017. By me. No one else knows about it. Or – knew about it. I guess you know about it now.
Gosh, the expectant audience for this whole project just doubled, that’s a bit unnerving.…
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